Title I Focus: Collaboration Series

Empowerment through Title I Collaboration


$170.00 per person



About this experience


September 18, 2024 & April 10, 2025 (8:30 AM - 11:30 AM)


Facilitator: Mary Ann Hudziak, Director I Learning & Assessment


This Title I Focus: Collaboration Series is a two-part series designed to equip Title I coordinators with the knowledge, skills, and networking opportunities they need to excel in their roles. The series will cover essential topics such as Title I programming, budget management, and reporting requirements, ensuring effective use of Title I funds to support public and private school students who need it the most. 



  • Keep up with the latest changes in ESSA applications, budgets, and Title I legislation
  • Network with other Title I coordinators to share insights and strategies
  • Improve communication with private school partners and enhance family engagement strategies
  • Grow your expertise in the areas of Title I programming, reporting requirements, and budget management
  • Learn practical school improvement strategies and basic monitoring information
  • Gain valuable insights from experienced professionals to make your role less stressful and more effective


Who Should Attend?

  • District personnel with the responsibility of Title programming, budgets, and instruction (i.e. Title I Coordinator, School Administrators, District Leaders, Education Program Managers and Budget Managers) 



  • Location: CESA 6 Conference Center 2300 State Road 44, Oshkosh
  • Cost:
    • Non-ESEA/ESSA consortium member districts: $170/person
    • No cost for “Navigating ESEA/ESSA & WISEgrants with Ease” consortium members or “Monitoring (ESEA) Support Service” Registrants, with discount code